I'll keep this one short, because it's like 0:00 am right now and i am quite tired.
-two whole grain waffles
I cooked cheeze pizza, but that seemed boring. So I made a topping.
-diced bellpeppers
-diced onions
-diced garlic
it spread on like relish, and it was quite good.
exactly what i had for lunch, except with two shiner bocks. c'est bon!
Today, i had 0 meat cravings. Pretty interesting so far...
So would you call that Relish & Cheese Pizza? Maybe it is the verbage that causes people to prefer pepperoni (such a jazzy word) over relish pizza...
keep it up. let us know how it's going!!!!!
having been a vegetarian for five years now, and having dealt with all sorts of questions and conversations concerning meat and vegetarianism, i feel this conquest of yours admirable.
i think for people like yourself who don't really feel it necessary to become a full-fledged "vegetarian", it's nice to see some people actually think about their food choices for once.
you don't need the title of "vegetarian" or "vegan" to be happy, healthy and okay with your eating habits. all you need to do is think consciously about them, so that, later, you aren't wondering or complaining why you gained ten pounds in a month.
for me, being vegetarian has opened me up to an innumerable amount of fantastic food experiences i would have never considered otherwise, and those experiences have led to so many other things that have led to other things, and so on...
so, anyway, bravo!
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