Last Night's Dinner:
My Grandma (affectionately "Granny") had already prepared a plate of leftovers from lunch that I could not in good conscience ignore.
-roast beef
-baked beans
Not a vegetarian meal, but still better than fast food. And it satisfied a final meat craving before VW '08 really kicked off..
This morning's Breakfast:
Woke up around 7:30 am, hungry as hell.
-whole grain waffle
-orange juice
Breakfast really is key to an energetic day. I suggest you all take note. It works wonders!
I was a little worried I'd give in for lunch. We have plenty of heatable ribs, hamburgers, etc. in our freezer. Luckily, I found a bag of Lenticchie (Sicilian Lentil Soup) in my pantry.
This contains:
-lentil Beans
-wheat pasta
-semolina (gratefully not "dripping from a dead dog's eye", as mr. lennon would have it)
-and of course, fennel
all enjoyed with a glass of water and two slices of whole wheat bread.
This soup makes 8 servings, so I am sure I will revisit it during this whole harrowing ordeal.
Things are really getting questionable here, people. I was running a little behind for work, so i had no choice but to stop by Subway. Now, I know Subway isn't really fast food, but that doesn't justify what i got:
-12 inch veggie on honey oat bread
-banana pepper
I should have gone 6 inch and I should have ignored the condiments, but whatever. I was preempting a hunger while sitting in my lifeguard chair. (If you are asking how I can post from a lifegaurd chair, the answer is of course telepathy.)
I can see myself getting hungry during the day, but no problem. I plan on drinking plenty of water and will never be without a package of raisins, nuts, fruit or some other sort of healthy snack. I'll keep you guys updated.
sounds like things are off to a great start!
keep it up!!!!!!!!!
People should read this.
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