Friday, April 18, 2008

Kerouac, DCFC, and the "meaning of life" (oh my)

I like Paste magazine. If you are a music, film, or literature fan of a certain ilk(read:"hipster-ish"), i think that you would too. Ben Gibbard, the singer/songwriting force of Death Cab for Cutie, recently spent some time in the cabin Jack Kerouac did in Big Sur, Cali. when writing the novel of the same name. i am more interested in this article for the Kerouac elements (not that big of a dcfc fan, but still)

here, read it.

in case you absolutely think that this article is a waste of time, here are excerpts of note:
I pulled On The Road off the shelf and found myself reading it between classes, and at that time in my life it was exactly what I craved, exactly what I needed to hear. I thought, “That’s the way, that’s the ideal life, that’s great. You get in a car and you drive and you see your friends and you end up in a city for a night and you go out drinking and you catch up and you share these really intense experiences.

But then in reading Big Sur, it’s the end of the road. You end up with a series of failed relationships and you end up being an alcoholic and in your late 30s, and not having any kind of real grip on the lives of the people around you. That’s the potential other end of the spectrum when you’re never tied to anybody or anything. I run the risk of losing touch with the people in my life that mean the most to me because I have made the decision to live like this.

And moments in Big Sur are starting to become very analogous to my life, where I show up in a town and call up my friends, and I’m like, “Guys, we gotta go out. Let’s hang out, I haven’t seen you in forever.” And their response is “Yeah, well, our baby needs to be going to sleep and I can’t be out all hours of the night anymore. It’s time to move on in our lives into another phase; we can’t live in this perpetual adolescence forever.”

It's evolution, baby!

people, we all need to be on the same page. it's time to talk. let's be frank here. this blog is very much a work in (constant) progress. i don't know where it's going, and subsequently neither do you! once things get successful, i will most likely delete this post and deny that i was ever this unsure of my blog. or not! denying your roots is no way to go, and acknowledging them in the face of success makes for such a great story. take bob dylan charles schultz for example. his work was essentially a glorification of his own uncertainty and insecurity, yet he was profound and prolific all the same. so, as always, stay tuned.

in the meantime, i am experimenting with templates. i think this one looks a little lame. thoughts?

also, i have had numerous requests to explain the previous post. don't you think this guy looks funny? it's a non sequitur, above all else. he very well may become the mascot of this blog. i'm thinking of using him for my header pic. thoughts?