Wednesday, October 10, 2007

and this just feeeeels liiike...spinnnnnnnnnnningg plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates!!

the internet blew up today. 10/10/07. i thought i was the only one that was calling it radiohead day, but turns out several online articles i've read along with all of my internet radiohead cronies are calling today that.

if you're on the internet then you aren't far from many of the thumbnail headline type things on google and or whatever you have your homepage set too and you probably already know about this new radiohead album the kids are all calling "in rainbows". it's good, but it's more about the record industry than the music that it will probably be remembered for. look it up. (in brief, this album was announced a mere 10 days ago with the catch that it would not as of now be released in stores or by a record label, but instead would be a download you could decide the price of, if any, to pay online. the download code was e-mailed this morning to those who took the band up on this offer.)

but really, the internet is absolutely chock full of radiohead fans or else i've just got a very one-tracked mind today. it seems like this album is everywhere. good news for music fans, because i haven't seen this kind of mass hysteria over an album since the mid-90's and boyz II men.

The music's good, but if you aren't predisposed to liking a band like RH (and i believe whole-heartedly that it takes a certain personality to like RH), why start now? There's no middle ground for deciding if you are going to download this album. it is very good though. Starts off with a jumpy first two tracks that make you think that it's going to be a rocker like the old stuff then goes into the dense and haunting territory of their (thier? i never know.) newer albums: kid a, amnesiac and hail to the thief. really after 4 or 5 listens, i'd describe the music as a smoother take on HTTT. the lyrics seem more straightforward than i've heard from thom in a long time. most of the tracks flow into eachother until maybe one of the most heartbreaking songs in thier catalogue. the last track does end on a nice note though..

"No matter what happens now
You shouldn't be afraid
Because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen."

now how do i get people to read this? i'll learn more tricks like italics and bells and whistles later.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

a beginning.

this is it.

"oh reid, you should make a blog". "i've been meaning to make a blog". "i don't know what to title my blog". etc...

stay tuned.

p.s. i hate the word "blog". so this is a web log.